What kind of food should be preferred during lockdown?

. Good nutrition is crucial for good health particularly in times when your immunity system need to fight back.

. Here are some food tips and exercises that may help you.

. Choose reduced-fat diary products and powdered milk over regular milk product.

. Canned vegetables have a longer shelf life than frozen and fresh vegetables

. Rely on boiled or poached egg for proteins.

. Dry fruits, nuts, and seeds with no added salts, sugar or palm oils make a healthy snack.

. Carbohydrates rice potatoes and sweet potatoes can be eaten either boiled, baked or steamed.

. Beans, lentils, and pulses are rich sources of vegetables proteins and fibers.

. Avoid alcohol or reduce its consumption as it weakens the immune system.

. Water to the rescue. Avoid hot drink and soft drinks. Rely on fresh tap water.

. Limit your fat intake. switch frying with steaming or grilling.

. Reduce salt and sugar intake.

Thank you.
