Top Ten Facts About Happiness.

. Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.

. Minimum 20 minutes of exercise, three days each week will increase your happiness by 10 to 20 percent after six months.

. Acts of kindness make us happier and healthier.

. Happy people prefer to have deeper conversations.

. You appear more attractive to the other person when you make them laugh.

. One can not hold the beginning of a smile, even through one can control it a fraction of a second later.

. People who spend more time in the sun are likely to be happier.

. The more you hug your children, the happier they will be as adults.

. The happier we are, the less sleep we require.

. The happier you are, the more antibodies your body generates - up to 50 percent more, in fact.
