How Experts Figure What To Focus ON

When you ask successful people for a piece of advice, they often say to focus on one thing and eliminate all other distraction to become great in that one field.

Well it is great advice, but there is a small problem with this advice - People don't know which things they need to focus on to begin with.

When people don't know where to put their focus, they end up putting there focus on multiple things and end up where they began.

Hence, in this article, we will dive in to the topics of how do experts figure out what things they should focus on and how can you do the same.

1. Start Trying  Out Things :

When you are in the state where you don't know that what suits you and what not. The best thing is to do at the moment is to try a lot of things to begin with.

For example, you just graduated from college and secured a job . However, you are not happy with what you are doing.

Instead of dropping your job, you should try a bunch of things with it, such as taking classes for learning new software or preparing for an entrance exam.

There are multiple benefit for this; first, you are financially stable with your job . second , when you engage in other activities, you notice the things which you like doing.

So, you need to try things which you can do without compromising the quality of the work.

2. Make A Call When You Began Your Work :

Now that You have started working on a few things,you need to begin takings calls on things which suits you and which don't .To able to do that, you need to set  a few parameters.

If you are going to the gym, you feel healthy,and your muscle grows out . If you are learning a new instrument, are you better then you started ?

Such parameters will help you track your progress . Then comes the distinction of whether they are happy with the progress they made.

This is an important question, because if you are not happy with what you are doing . There is no point in doing it further. But remember,to judge yourself before a reasonable amount of time .

3. Put in Work Before You Decide :

The final distinction before you decide on which area you should focus on is to grind your way for weeks.Michael Phelps is a world - class swimmer , and he has many word records to his name .

Everyone talks about the intense training he went through everyday. However , few people talk about that he used to swim from a very early age and used to study and play a few more sports. 

Philips began by trying out a few thing . As he went, he dropped playing other sports . After a certain period, he decided that he wanted to focus on swimming over study.

He was able to make that call because he put in hours of training in swimming in high school and before . Similarly, you also need to put in hours of work before you decide on something.

As it is your life,and you don't want to play with your life.Otherwise, the decision will come to bite you later.

To avoid this disastrous situation, you need to follow the guide. i.e start doing a bunch of things you like , only take up things which you can do properly.

Then grind your ways for months and even years before you decide to settle on something to focus on .

This way of working, things can be used to decide upon anything in life. From choosing your major in college to deciding the type of job, you want to do.

If you follow the guide properly , you would be able to find the one thing you like doing in life, just like an expert who knows where to focus.

Thank You.
